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Compatibility: 3.x & 4.x Updated: 2024-02-07

Keep track of which coupons are being used with our Coupon Report which shows coupon activity.

Ex Tax:£0.00
Compatibility: 3.x & 4.x Updated: 26/03/2024

Keep track of what users are doing with our Customer Activity Report which shows their website activity.

Ex Tax:£0.00
Compatibility: 3.x & 4.x Updated: 08/02/2024

Keep track of how many orders, products, and their total value customers are making with our Customer Orders Report 

Ex Tax:£0.00
Compatibility: 3.x & 4.x Updated: 08/02/2024

Quickly view all customers with rewards points with our Customer Reward Report including all the info you need.

Ex Tax:£0.00
Compatibility: 3.x & 4.x Updated: 08/02/2024

Keep track of what customers are searching for with our Customer Searches Report, an easy to read search report.

Ex Tax:£0.00
Compatibility: 3.x & 4.x Updated: 08/02/2024

Keep track of what users are buying with our Customer Transaction Report which shows customer transactions.

Ex Tax:£0.00
Compatibility: 3.x & 4.x Updated: 08/02/2024

Keep track of how well marketing is working with our Marketing report, showing clicks, orders, and total sales value made after ad clicks.

Ex Tax:£0.00
Compatibility: 3.x & 4.x Updated: 08/02/2024

Keep track of what users are buying with our Products Purchased Report which shows which products are selling.

Ex Tax:£0.00
Compatibility: 3.x & 4.x Updated: 20/02/2024

View products that customers are looking at with our easy to use Products Viewed Report, showing key viewing information.

Ex Tax:£0.00
Compatibility: 3.x & 4.x Updated: 08/02/2024

Keep track of how many returns customers are making with our Returns Report which shows number of returns.

Ex Tax:£0.00
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