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Keep track of which coupons are being used with our Coupon Report which shows coupon activity.
Keep track of how many orders, products, and their total value customers are making with our Customer Orders Report
Keep track of what customers are searching for with our Customer Searches Report, an easy to read search report.
Keep track of what users are buying with our Customer Transaction Report which shows customer transactions.
Keep track of how well marketing is working with our Marketing report, showing clicks, orders, and total sales value made after ad clicks.
Keep track of what users are buying with our Products Purchased Report which shows which products are selling.
View products that customers are looking at with our easy to use Products Viewed Report, showing key viewing information.
Keep track of how many returns customers are making with our Returns Report which shows number of returns.
Keep track of how often customers are using each shipping method with our Shipping Report.
Use this Tax Report to see how often different tax types are used on your website and total tax amounts.